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Release Day and Review: Nocturnes & Nightmares by Keri Lake

Release Day and Review: Nocturnes & Nightmares by Keri Lake

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Release Day and Review: Nocturnes & Nightmares by Keri LakeNocturnes & Nightmares by Keri Lake
Published by Amazon Digital Services on 29 April 2019
Genres: Dark romance, Romantic Suspense, Thrillers
Pages: 240
Format: eARC
Buy on Amazon US, Buy on Amazon UK

The most terrifying monsters aren’t found in dreams …

Four young socialites have gone missing in the Chicago area. Two found dead, bearing the signature marks of a brutal serial killer. With the kind of tragedy that mars Nola Tensley’s past, she should be concerned, but without a pot to piss in, all the struggling single mom cares about is making a normal life for her son.

After all, she’s clearly not the murderer’s type.
Or is she?

When Rhett Voss, an enigmatic and handsome stranger, answers her ad for the outdated in-law suite at the back of her property, offering double her asking price, Nola really can’t refuse. Even though the supposed Wall Street Wolf seems better suited for a high-rise downtown—a suspicion that quickly turns into hindsight once she submits to the flirtations of her charming new tenant, and consequently, unearths a series of disturbing revelations.

Her curiosities lead her down the path of a madman, whose moniker, The Sandman, only hints at the grisly nature of his crimes. He’s smart. Evasive. A cunning psychopath with a twisted method of disposing his victims.

And his hunting grounds are hitting too close to home.

Author note: This book contains scenes of graphic sex and violence that some readers may find disturbing.

Nightmares and Monsters are real and no one knows this better than Voss, Nola and her son Oliver.

Keri Lake brings in her A game with an extremely disturbing serial killer, slightly less scary anti hero and a single mother who has experienced too many tragedies but is a wonderful parent.

Rhett Voss and Nola Tensely are very different people, one if a hitman and the other is a recently widowed waitress dealing with her own issues. They are both such compelling protagonists though, they have both their own demons and as with Keri Lake, the chemistry between them is combustible. I loved seeing the more domestic bits we got of them regardless of the real reason of why they were together at that particular moment.

The sandman aspect of the book was very intriguing, actually the whole is very intriguing but especially the sandman/Carl/Voss aspect bit. I think in any suspense book, the element who dun it is very important…it can’t be too in the face or like completely out of left side and I here the I think it’s done pretty well, I have several theories and I can’t wait to see how they pan out, thats part of the fun of reading these books you know, figuring out who actually is it and I’m eagerly waiting for the next book to get answers.

I loved the writing, I have kept this review as spoiler free as I can because you really should go in without knowing because the moment you read the first chapter you’re sucked in.

Also fyi the book is dark romance emphasis on dark, deals with a lot of explicit violence, sexual and graphic content that might be triggering for some so please know that before reading.

P.s I read this book after midnight, which I really wouldn’t suggest anyone doing because not only because I couldn’t stop reading it and had to finish to finish it then, I also couldn’t sleep after I had finished it because of being slightly creeped out by the murders.

About Keri Lake

Keri Lake is a married mother of two living in Michigan. By day, she tries to make use of the degrees she’s earned in science. By night, she writes dark contemporary and paranormal romance. Though novels tend to be her focus, she also writes short stories and flash fiction on the many occasions when distraction sucks her in to the Land of Shiny Things.

She loves hearing from readers …

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