Book Tours and Blasts

Excerpt & Giveaway: Season of the Wolf by Maria Vale
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Excerpt & Giveaway: Season of the Wolf by Maria Vale

“You know what I wished for on your eyelash?” “My guard hair,” she reminds me. “No, you didn’t say.” I take a deep breath and launch myself into the void. “I wanted to understand how wolves flirt.” “Flirt?” “It’s the things you say and do to show that you’re interested but want to pretend you…

✶Blog Tour✶ Review: Engagement and Espionage by Penny Reid
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✶Blog Tour✶ Review: Engagement and Espionage by Penny Reid

This takes place pretty much after Beard’s Science epilogue.  Beard Science is my favourite of the Winstons brothers series book and Cletus is my favourite Winston brother so I was pretty psyched to read this. I haven’t read cozy mysteries before though, just mystery/thriller or romantic suspense so this was new subgenera to try out. …

Review: Dear Sexy Ex Boyfriend by Lauren Blakely
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Review: Dear Sexy Ex Boyfriend by Lauren Blakely

3.75 stars  Summer Clarke is a determined individual who wants to achieve her dream of having her own specialty gym for over 50s by herself. Currently working at an assisted living, she almost there in her monetary goal. She doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone, least of all her family. She’s spunky, sweet, can…

Dianne Duvall Shares Top 10 Favorite Quotes from the Immortal Guardians series
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Dianne Duvall Shares Top 10 Favorite Quotes from the Immortal Guardians series

Top 10 Favorite Quotes from the Immortal Guardians series Hello! Thank you for joining us. I’m very excited to be here today, celebrating the release of BROKEN DAWN, an exciting new stand-alone novel in my Immortal Guardians series. If you like powerful immortal heroes, strong heroines, and lots of action, passion, humor, and romance, then…

New Release: The Change Up by Meghan Quinn
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New Release: The Change Up by Meghan Quinn

The Change Up by Meghan Quinn is Out Now, Free on Kindle Unlimited. Check out excerpt from The Change Up below!! Prologue: **MADDOX** Have you ever said something you regret? Something you haven’t forgotten about an hour later? Something that sits with you, stews deep in your belly, and then seeps into your bones, burying…

Review and Excerpt: When the Walls Come Down by Aly Martinez and M. Mabie
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Review and Excerpt: When the Walls Come Down by Aly Martinez and M. Mabie

4.25 stars I adored this one! Aly Martinez usually writes angsty and twisty books so I was wondering how’d a rom com would be from her and it was great! M. Mabie isn’t an author I’d known about before but I will definitely be checking her stuff out now. Shane Warren gets the rugged pulled…

Review: Sure Shot by Sarina Bowen
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Review: Sure Shot by Sarina Bowen

4-4.5 stars Bess Beringer, kickass sports agent getting those fab contracts, sponsorships and managing those easily hurt player egos.   Mark “Tank” Tankiewicz,  great player newly traded to Brooklyn bruisers and in the process of getting divorced.  Bess and Tank have a history, a lil affair back when they were both young and starting out in…

Excerpt and giveaway: A Duke Too Far by Jane Ashford
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Excerpt and giveaway: A Duke Too Far by Jane Ashford

Check out the Excerpt and giveaway of the new release by Jane Ashford, A Duke Too Far! That night, at last, Ada had a different dream. It was just as vivid as the disturbing ones, but the mood was something else entirely. She was at a wedding — her wedding. She was pacing down the…