Historical Romance

Blog Tour: When We Left Cuba by Chanel Cleeton
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Blog Tour: When We Left Cuba by Chanel Cleeton

I had been looking forward to this book since reading Next year in Havana!! Which if you haven’t read you should!! Beatriz Perez is a very interesting character. She’s strong, independent and has a clear goal in mind. She’s a go getter which I liked. She loves her country and she’s fearless. She has been…

Release Day and Giveaway: When We Left Cuba by Chanel Cleeton
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Release Day and Giveaway: When We Left Cuba by Chanel Cleeton

When We Left Cuba is Available Now! Buy Now! Amazon| Barnes & Noble| iBooks| IndieBound| Kobo| Learn more about When We Left Cuba including downloading the book club guide and more at: http://www.chanelcleeton.com/when-we-left-cuba Praise for When We Left Cuba: A thrilling story about love, loss, and what we will do to go home again. Utterly un-put-down-able. —PopSugar…

ARC Review: Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas
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ARC Review: Devil’s Daughter by Lisa Kleypas

I love Lisa Kleypas’s writing and her historicals are always such a treat to read. She’s my favourite historical author (actually one of my favourites in general as well). She just somehow makes it all work, from gamblers to lady doctors. This is a book I had been eagerly waiting for. West was introduced in…

The three best things about being a romance author with Tessa Dare

The three best things about being a romance author with Tessa Dare

The three best things about being a romance author Number 1:  Flexibility No, not the sexual-acrobatics-love-scene sort of flexibility! I’m talking about pajamas-with-elastic-waistbands flexibility. The kind of flexibility that lets me work from home, at whatever hours I choose. Of course, this flexibility can come back to bite me when a deadline is staring me…

Excerpt and Giveaway: Brave New Earl by Jane Ashford
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Excerpt and Giveaway: Brave New Earl by Jane Ashford

Jean searched the parlors on either side of front hall, calling softly and beginning to feel foolish. This was obviously a futile quest. She had given up and turned back when she noticed a line of light under the library door. She went in, finding the chamber still warm, the coals of a fire still…

Review and Giveaway: Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas
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Review and Giveaway: Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas

This book gave me such happy feelings, Garett and Ethan made me extremely soft and sappy with their story!! Firstly I want to mention that Lisa Kleypas writes very beautiful, she makes everything vivid. Her writing is also has this lyrical quality that makes historicals also seem very fairytale like which I love. She often…

Review: Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt
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Review: Duke of Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

Anyone who doesn’t know, I love the maiden lane series! It’s such a beautifully written series with characters that aren’t only nobility but from various classes and who have different childhood experiences. Anyways it has great stories so if you haven’t you should go read it! READ THEM ALL!!! Lady Iris Jordan returning from the…

Excerpt: An Earl by Any Other Name by Lauren Smith
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Excerpt: An Earl by Any Other Name by Lauren Smith

Without so much as another word, he bent his head. When their mouths were an inch apart, he captured her gaze, and something wild and hot passed between them as he slanted his mouth over hers. All worries and fears were destroyed in the wake of pleasure and fire. Heat and light burned through at…