The three best things about being a romance author with Tessa Dare

Series: Girl Meets Duke #2
on 6th Sep 2018
Pages: 384
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He’s been a bad, bad rake—and it takes a governess to teach him a lesson
The accidental governess
After her livelihood slips through her fingers, Alexandra Mountbatten takes on an impossible post: transforming a pair of wild orphans into proper young ladies. However, the girls don’t need discipline. They need a loving home. Try telling that to their guardian, Chase Reynaud: duke’s heir in the streets and devil in the sheets. The ladies of London have tried—and failed—to make him settle down. Somehow, Alexandra must reach his heart . . . without risking her own.
The infamous rake
Like any self-respecting libertine, Chase lives by one rule: no attachments. When a stubborn little governess tries to reform him, he decides to give her an education—in pleasure. That should prove he can’t be tamed. But Alexandra is more than he bargained for: clever, perceptive, passionate. She refuses to see him as a lost cause. Soon the walls around Chase’s heart are crumbling . . . and he’s in danger of falling, hard.
The three best things about being a romance author
Number 1: Flexibility
No, not the sexual-acrobatics-love-scene sort of flexibility! I’m talking about pajamas-with-elastic-waistbands flexibility. The kind of flexibility that lets me work from home, at whatever hours I choose. Of course, this flexibility can come back to bite me when a deadline is staring me in the face, and I find myself working around the clock! Not having a supervisor standing over my shoulder also means that I’m responsible for keeping myself off Facebook and BuzzFeed, which can be a greater challenge then you might suppose. However, when all is tallied up, the advantages win out. I’m around when my kids need me. I can take my notebook to the park, or a coffeehouse, or the library when I need a change of scenery. And if I want a cuddle, one of my three cats is always nearby.
Number 2: Research
No, not the wink-wink, nudge-nudge sort of research that my husband’s friends love to tease about. I’m referring to the musty-library-books and internet-rabbit-hole kind of research. As a former librarian, I love nothing more than delving into the history of my settings and characters. I have requested books from the Library of Congress and visited rare volumes in the reading room of the New York Public Library. The best part, however, is when research requires me to travel! My research has taken me from caves to castles, breweries to barns. And there are a few jobs other than Regency romance author that can legitimately justify a tax-deductible stay in a posh Mayfair hotel, all in the name of research.
Number 3: The Love
Yes, I do mean that kind of love. In fact, I mean all the kinds of love, from butterflies-in-the-stomach infatuation, to the enduring commitment of happily-ever-after. Writing isn’t always an easy task, but it’s wonderful that romance writing primarily involves thinking about love, noticing people in love, examining emotions that bring people together, and putting it all down on the page. Best of all, when we send our stories out into the world, Romance writers often get love in return. Authors receive heartwarming, and sometimes heartrending, letters from readers who’ve invited our books and characters into their lives when they needed a laugh, a distraction, a ray of hope, or even a brief respite from grief.
When it comes down to it, romance writers are in the business of love – reading it, writing it, feeling it, sharing it. And it’s the best business I can imagine.