Review: Love Hard by Nalini Singh
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Love Hard by Nalini SinghSeries: Hard Play #3
Published by TKA Distribution on 10th March 2020
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Sports
Format: eARC
Source: the Author
Buy on Amazon US, Buy on Amazon UK
Jacob Esera, star rugby player and young single father, has worked hard to create a joyous life for his six-year-old daughter. After the death of his childhood sweetheart soon after their daughter’s birth, all Jake wants is safety and stability. No risks. No wild chances. And especially no Juliet Nelisi, former classmate, scandal magnet, and a woman who is a thorn in his side.
As a lonely teenager, Juliet embraced her bad-girl reputation as a shield against loneliness and rejection. Years later, having kicked a cheating sports-star ex to the curb, she has a prestigious job and loyal friends—and wants nothing to do with sportsmen. The last thing she expects is the fire that ignites between her and the stuffed-shirt golden boy who once loved her best friend.
Straitlaced Jacob Esera versus wild-at-heart Juliet Nelisi? Place your bets.
This is super late, because I was so busy last two months I didn’t get to review the stuff I read back in feb. I’m gonna try and review these titles now so starting off with my favourite.
This is the third book in the Hard play series, about the single dad rugby player, Jacob (Jake) Esera and Juliet (Jules) Nelisi. We were introduced to Jake in his brother’s Gabriel’s book (Rock Hard) and I had been waiting to read Jake’s story! He’s such a lovely father to his little girl Esme.
Jake was a teenage father, now in his early twenties as a part of the national rugby team he lives a very shall we say conservative lifestyle compared to others. He is well respected and loved by everyone. And no one gets him more disturbed and out of his comfort zone like Juliet does. Jake and Juliet animosity begin when they met back in high school and they only kept their peace because of their mutual friend Callie who has sadly passed away. Juliet for her part, had been branded as a troublemaker in high school and used this as armour to protect herself but now that has changed, she has friends, a successful career and the bad relationship experiences which are now behind her. She’s such a vibrant and full of bold personality. Jake and Juliet haven’t seen each other since high school.
Jake and Juliet both have preconceived notions about each other but when these start to disintegrate and their newfound attraction towards each other makes their current life complicated. Jake and Juliet are opposites but I loved how they bought different sides out of each other. With Juliet, Jake was more alive, more than just being a dad and living so he could all for his daughter. More playful and open. With Jake, Juliet finally found a place to belong and a family. All it takes is one unforgettable wedding party to light up a spark.
I LOVED Jacob and Juliet together! They were adorable, from their bickering to their sweet and adorable moments.
I’ve lost the number of times I’ve reread Rock Hard so it was wonderful seeing Gabriel and Charlotte tie the knot, and see other couples from the previous books and get updates on them as well the something something going on between Danny (the youngest Esera brother) and Catie.
I enjoyed this light, fun but also deep and emotional, beautiful written romance and can’t wait for more contemporary (or otherwise) books from Nalini Singh!