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Review: Grin and Beard it by Penny Reid + Giveaway

Review: Grin and Beard it by Penny Reid + Giveaway

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Review: Grin and Beard it by Penny Reid + GiveawayGrin and Beard It by Penny Reid
Series: Winston Brothers #2
on May 31, 2016
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Sienna Diaz is everyone’s favorite “fat” funny lady. The movie studio executives can’t explain it, but her films are out-grossing all the fit and trim headliners and Hollywood’s most beautiful elite. The simple truth is, everyone loves plus-sized Sienna.
But she has a problem, she can’t read maps and her sense of direction is almost as bad as her comedic timing is stellar. Therefore, when Sienna’s latest starring role takes her to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park she finds herself continually lost while trying to navigate the backroads of Green Valley, Tennessee. Much to her consternation, Sienna’s most frequent savior is a ridiculously handsome, charming, and cheeky Park Ranger by the name of Jethro Winston.
Sienna is accustomed to high levels of man-handsome, so it’s not Jethro’s chiseled features or his perfect physique that make Sienna stutter. It’s his southern charm. And gentlemanly manners. And habit of looking at her too long and too often.
Sienna has successfully navigated the labyrinth of Hollywood heart-throbs. But can she traverse the tenuous trails of Tennessee without losing her head? Or worse, her heart?

Rating~ 4.25 stars

Sienna Diaz is an actor, a comedian and a writer. She also has very bad sense of direction (it matches mine really). She’s also impulsive and a workaholic in need of a break. 

Jethro Winston is the oldest of the Winston. He let down his family in the past and messed up but who is now reformed man and even after years is trying to be a better man for his family. In the past few years he has become serious and thoughtful about not hurting more people. 

Sienna is hilarious. From the first moment we meet her when she trying to get to the cabin she would be living while she’s shooting the film. She’s adorable, has an infectious personality and her banter with Jethro was fun to read. Sienna and Jethro had such an fun relationship. This is the book about two charmers, from their first scene when they are both start flirting each other with such palpable chemistry is just an awesome thing to read. All of their banter and flirting made me smile, it was just so easy to like them as a couple and they are just prefect for each other. I just loved them together they had a very easy, natural relationship. 

Think of how much better the world would be if people craved compliments about the beauty of their heart rather than the beauty of their face. ~ Sienna Diaz. 

Both of them are not looking for a relationship. They are both also guarded because of past relationships (in sienna’s case) and the past (both in Jethro’s case). Jethro’s family may have forgiven him but he hasn’t forgiven himself. He is still trying to make amends. They both have some hang ups and issues which get dealt with nicely. From the moment Jethro sees, talks and spends some time with her, he is goner. It was sweet at the same time it was like buddy you have no idea what’s coming i.e sienna the hurricane.

Falling for her had been like breathing. Natural, easy, necessary. inescapable. ~ Jethro Winston. 

The brothers were as always amusing and entertaining. I can’t imagine living with so many brothers I only have one and he drives me crazy at times… my dad had five brothers and one sister and it’s always fun to hear their stories as is the case in this book. 

This is such a feel good kind of story. It has comedy, romance, family banter/angst along with a dash drama to keep the reader interested. The conflict/drama doesn’t much of the book. So there is more focus on the couple and the protagonists which I really liked. It left me smiling. 

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Also I really really want Cletus book now NEED IT!!. Also billy’s cause what is going on between him and Jethro’s best friend.

He also hatched maniacal plans of revenge against anyone who crossed him. Beau and I often considered giving Cletus a hairless cast as a present, so his James Bond supervillain image would be complete. ~Jethro about Cletus  



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About Penny Reid

SEX! It all started with sex, between my parents. Personally I don’t like thinking about it, but whatever works for you is a-ok with me. No judgment. The sex happened in California and much of my life also occurred in that state until I moved from the land of nuts (almonds), wine, silicon… boobs, and heavy traffic to the southeast US. Like most writers I like to write, but let’s get back to sex. Eventually I married and gave birth to 2 small people-children (boy-6, girl-4 as of this writing).

By day I’m a biomedical researcher with focus on rare diseases. By night I’m a knitter, sewer, lino block carver, fabric printer, soap maker, and general crafter. By the wee hours of the morning or when I’m intoxicated I love to listen to the voices in my head and let them tell me stories. I hope you enjoy their stories.

One Comment

  1. Ohh awesome review this book really looks and sounds quite a fun, sweet and amazing book. Now I am really intrigued checking this book out after reading your review. Thank you for your great post!

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