
Book Tour: Revenant by Larissa Ione Review + GIVEAWAYS
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Book Tour: Revenant by Larissa Ione Review + GIVEAWAYS

Review: Warning: The review contains some spoilers and a lot of raving! I loved this *sigh* just writing this review makes me want to go reread it again! Revenant is a shadow angel, the most powerful being apart from the Satan himself in Sheoul (hell). He also happens to be one of the most cocky,…

Book Tour and Giveaway: Soul Enslaved by Keri Lake
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Book Tour and Giveaway: Soul Enslaved by Keri Lake

Gavin Has Arrived! The third installment of Keri Lake’s edgy paranormal romance series is here! Check out the book then enter the Rafflecopter for some awesome prizes! You can also vote for your favorite dream cast in the Sons of Wrath Casting Contest (below) for MORE prizes! As a special thank you to her readers,…

Series Spotlight: Sons of Wrath Series by Keri Lake.

Series Spotlight: Sons of Wrath Series by Keri Lake.

This is a new segment on the blog where I post a series or book/s that I think people should READ. I’ll tell a bit of what it’s about, books genre, trope, similar books to it or people who have read particular series would enjoy it more. To start it off, I thought I’d share…