St. Martin's Griffin

Release Day Blitz: The Real Deal by Lauren Blakely
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Release Day Blitz: The Real Deal by Lauren Blakely

~THEO~ I can be anyone you want. I can transform into the boss you’re banging, your hot nerdy coworker who’s only a friend, your best friend’s brother you’ve had it bad for since he danced with you at prom way back when, the guy next door everyone adores since he mows your lawn, fixes your…

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Excerpt: Twist by Kylie Scott

I watched the streetlights cast shadows on the angle of his cheekbone, the furrow of his brow. Strange how his manly beauty had grown on me, redefining or rather stretching my usual boundaries. Perhaps some people’s allure came from the inside out. A good thing. Their ways and their words did the wooing instead of…

Excerpt: The Deep End by Kristen Ashley
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Excerpt: The Deep End by Kristen Ashley

“Here you go, Leigh.”Mirabelle was extending her phone, which was good and bad.Good because Amélie had not managed to unobtrusively deep breathe, her shallow breaths making her feel light-headed, and she needed something else to focus on.Bad because what she was focusing on would be the profile of that beast. She took Mirabelle’s phone and…

Release Day and Excerpt : Riot by Tillie Cole
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Release Day and Excerpt : Riot by Tillie Cole

LUKA “The real world isn’t ready to handle our reality. How could they accept that the gulags, the drugs, and the Blood Pit are real? It is the stuff of nightmares. How could they believe that males are being raised as killers, for sport and greed? “Worse, it would surely implicate the Bratva and my…

Excerpt: Dirty by Kylie Scott
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Excerpt: Dirty by Kylie Scott

“Once upon a time,” he began, voice low and measured. “There was a princess. A beautiful, occasionally annoying princess.” “What was her name?” “Ah, Notlydia.” I frowned. “Her name is Notlydia?” “You wanted a story, I’m giving you one. Shut up.” “Whatever.” An even heavier sigh from the man. “Anyhoo, Notlydia was all set up…