Tessa Bailey

Excerpt and Giveaway: Worked Up by Tessa Bailey
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Excerpt and Giveaway: Worked Up by Tessa Bailey

Unbelievable. First, Duke couldn’t get a damn moment of peace in his house, now his only refuge, The Third Shift, had been invaded. Was it so much to ask in life for a sporting event to go uninterrupted by a woman? Granted, the doe-eyed brunette hadn’t asked for his assistance—and she was a far cry…

Excerpts: Crossing the Line Series by Tessa Bailey
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Excerpts: Crossing the Line Series by Tessa Bailey

  “Listen to me, if I wanted to fuck you, I’d end anyone or anything who got in my way. Nothing would stop me. Not a locked door. Not some lowlife. Nothing.” “If?” she repeated, embarrassment cooling her desire. “You don’t want to?” His laughter was harsh. “Want to? Want to?” One of his hands…

Excerpt: Too Hot to Handle by Tessa Bailey
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Excerpt: Too Hot to Handle by Tessa Bailey

Jasper braced a hand on the frame and leaned close to Rita, looking down at her body through the narrow separation between them. “Stop rubbing your thighs together,” he growled. Those pointed tits started to heave up and down in a hypnotic movement, a mere centimeter from his chest. “I’m not. I’m just not used…

Excerpt: Boiling Point by Tessa Bailey
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Excerpt: Boiling Point by Tessa Bailey

“All yours. You’ve been its cruel keeper for months.” He tilted his hips, presenting himself to her in a way that should have been crude, but on Austin, it was all animal grace. “At any time at all, you could have demanded me. Sent me to my knees to lick you off with one word….

Excerpt: Up in Smoke by Tessa Bailey + 2 $100 Gift Card Giveaway
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Excerpt: Up in Smoke by Tessa Bailey + 2 $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Excerpt As if her thoughts had made him appear, Connor strode into the courthouse. Her pulse started beating double time, her stomach muscles tightening. Good Lord, the man was a fucking panty dropper. She’d only been away from him for a few hours and it felt like years since she’d experienced his presence. In jeans…