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Book Tour & Review: Tempting Mr. Weatherstone by Vivienne Lorret

Tempting-Mr-Weatherstone-Vivienne-Lorret (1)

CoverBOOK Blurb:

Penelope Rutledge longs for passion, but only with the man of her dreams: the brilliant, dashing Ethan Weatherstone. If only her longtime neighbor would open his eyes and realize how much she loves him. If only they weren’t best friends with so much at stake. Penelope knows her future – and their friendship – is in her hands, but is she willing to take the biggest risk of all on the man she loves?

If it were up to Ethan, life and love would be as predictable as the figures in his ledgers – certainly nothing like the adventures Penelope longs for. Yet his childhood friend has grown into a beautiful, feisty woman blissfully unaware of the danger she causes when near. Ethan knows he must save Penelope-and her reputation…but can he save himself from the temptation of her lips?



ARC generously provided by the publisher via Edelwesis in exchange for an honest review 

Rating: 4 stars

Penelope Rutledge is restless, she wants more with her life than she has and now at the age of twenty-five she has decided to finally do something about it. She has been in love with her best friend and her neighbor Ethan Weatherstone for years and the man doesn’t seem inclined to be anything more than friend, she decides she has had enough!

Ethan Weatherstone does not like change, in fact he hates it. Everything in his life has order and is based on logic. This is why he likes Pen, his best friend because they both dislike change or so he thinks… When his best friend starts to talk about going on a adventure, he becomes unnerved. He doesn’t what has gotten into her but does not want Pen to go away.

This book is quite short but it works for this book especially since both the hero Ethan and heroine Penelope have known each other since they were children. A tragedy resulted in them changing their personalities and forming a bond between them when the were both children.

I really liked Pen and wanted to bash something on Ethan’s head when couldn’t see what was right in front of his eyes, but I was very happy that he came to his senses and made Pen happy.

Quibbles: The reason I did not give it 5 stars was because it was very short and I would have like an epilogue.

What a sweet and lovely book this was! I really liked how Ethan and Pen were together, their behavior with each other was so much like an old married couple; bricking yet completely affectionate. They had been friends for such a long time that both know everything there is to know about each other apart from the obvious that have feelings for each other.

Overall I really enjoyed the novella and I would definitely read more from the author and recommend this for a quick evening read. Happy Reading! 

Now onto the Giveaway.

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Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22836686-tempting-mr-weatherstone

Series Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/series/115423-wallflower-weddings 

Buy Links:  Amazon | B&N | iTunes

Author Info: Vivienne Lorret

I fell in love with fairy tales and the romance behind happily ever after at a very young age. Like a lot of you, I tweaked the fables bit by bit in my imagination until they suited me perfectly. By the time I was eleven, a teacher encouraged me to start writing. Throughout the years that followed, my teachers remained my most fervent supporters, giving me the tools I needed to continue my journey as a writer. My husband and I have two teenage boys, who are heroes in their own right. For now, we live in a small Midwestern town near Lake Michigan…until a time in the future when a new adventure calls us to other shores. I am currently working on my next novel, but I always enjoy hearing from my readers. Feel free to email me at vivienne@vivlorret.net


  1. I’m with you…I’ve always loved fairy tales. I’ve had dreams where I’m a heroine having an adventure and landing a handsome lord in the process. 🙂 I read all sorts of stories, but always come back to my fave historical Medievals, Regencies, Georgians, and Victorians. I just can’t get enough of them. Sigh. Thanks for the post.

    1. You’re welcome Janice!I do love my historical romances. There’s just something very heartwarming about them and their HEAs leave you with a smile 🙂

  2. I like that they already know a little bit about each other. And when the characters are surprised to find out how little they really knew about each other! And because they start out with a better foundation!

    1. Yes agreed Christina 🙂 It was alot of fun reading about them knowing each other so well and then them getting shocked about not knowing the other things.

  3. I love all Regency, Historical, Victorian, Scottish Romance novels. I just can’t get enough.
    Tempting Mr. Weatherstone is on my TBR list.
    Blessings & Thanks to All.

  4. Friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes because the couple are already on their way to a successful relationship if they are friends. 🙂

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