Pre-Release Blitz and Giveaway: Someone like You by Lauren Layne
Giveaway (Win an Audio Book Set of IRRESISTIBLY YOURS and I WISH YOU WERE MINE) a Rafflecopter giveaway Teaser
Giveaway (Win an Audio Book Set of IRRESISTIBLY YOURS and I WISH YOU WERE MINE) a Rafflecopter giveaway Teaser
Jackson took a sip. Perfection. Although what did it mean that Jackson’s life had turned into one where the highlight of his day was a well-made cocktail? It wasn’t that Jackson needed the booze. He enjoyed it, certainly. Had relied on it more than he probably should have in those first few days when he’d…
IRRESISTIBLY YOURS // Dream Cast by Laure Layne One of the most common questions we authors get when we start chatting up a new release is who our dream cast would be . . . ie, who did we have in mind when we started writing the characters. Honestly? Most of the time this question…