Rare18 Rome
Romance Author and Reader Event 2018
I’m back home now and wanted to share my experience at the Romance Authors and Reader Event 2018 in Rome which took place on 23rd June. This was my second time attending RARE. To those who don’t know what RARE is, it’s a romance book convention allowing readers (mostly EU situated) to meet their favourite authors from around the globe. This year the line up was amazing !! If anyone wants to attend and find out more about the next RARE which will be in Paris in April 2019, you can do so here. I believe there are still tickets available.
I’ve never been to Italy before so attending this event also gave me the opportunity to also visit and spend some time in the gorgeous Italy (more on that later). I was pretty busy this past year with university and other stuff that I didn’t have much time to read or blog so going to this event was a wonderful break for me.
RARE had a registration party on the friday before the event which also had a few authors signing for the attendees. I would like to especially thank Laura Kaye, who was on holiday and decided to make time for her fans and Elle Kennedy for staying behind and signing for readers way beyond the time limit.
I had only planned to take a few books (10) to the event but as you can see I returned with a lot more. I managed to see all the others except one that I had planned to (because the queue was so long that I decided I’ll meet them at another event) and the others I had hoped to incase I had time.
The authors were really wonderful, sweet and veryyyy beautiful. It was a bit surreal and at the same time lovely talking to my favourite authors. I was especially looking forward to meeting Tessa Dare, Natasha Anders, Sara Ney, Jennifer Probst, Brittainy C. Cherry, Lisa Marie Rice and Penny Reid (and remeeting L.H. Cosway). I’ve been reading almost all of these authors for years now and some of their books are my all time favourite books. I took a lot photos with the authors but I don’t post my pictures that I’m in on the internet so I apologise for that. I should have taken pictures with them and just them but I just forgot!! 😅😅
I also met my fellow blogger friends, the lovely Eliza from Relentless Romance, Astrid from The Bookish sweet tooth and Arabella from I love book love.
Apart from Rome, I also spend a few days in Venice, which is extremely beautiful and I would suggest Venice to anyone who was going for holiday to Italy or anywhere looking to travel. It has such a different vibe to Rome and all the little islands and bridges and canal’s make it very special. There’s a lot of touristy stuff to do on the different islands as well and theres a whole lot of history Venice (and in Rome) which I loved exploring. I do wish I could have even a bit more time in Venice because it was a great experience. Apart from a few quibbles here and there in Rome it was a wonderful experience.
I will be giving away a signed copy of a book by one of the authors soon so please follow me on Facebook to enter it once it’s posted. I had a lovely time at the event as well visiting Italy! RARE really has given me the opportunity to not only meet my favourite authors but also visit new countries and meet my book friends. I would like to thank the organisers as well for a job well done! That’s it for now and as Italians say Arrivederci (for now)!!