
Review: Pieces of Him by Alice Tribue

Review: Pieces of Him by Alice TribuePieces of Him by Alice Montalvo-Tribue
on 14 Jan. 2016
Pages: 200
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You want the truth?
The truth is there’ll never be enough time in the world to figure out how to go back.
I’ll never come up with a way to change the outcome.
The truth is I don’t need to hear I have a son.
I can’t deny it’s real because he’s the living, breathing proof my life is out of control.
But the truth is I love him.
The truth is it’s just him and me for the foreseeable future…
Until I met a girl who crossed my heart and changed it all.
Emelia was a bright star in my abandoned sky, and it would take a miracle to keep her there.
I’ll fight for miracles, though, because losing them would mean losing pieces of me.

Max likes to keep his life uncomplicated and free on any commitment. Max’s life takes a complete turn when the mother of his child doesn’t survive childbirth. Max didn’t want to be a father to begin with let alone being a single father when he doesn’t know the first thing about parenthood. He just doesn’t want to be a father so he thinks giving him up for adoption might be the best decision.  Max really struggles with conflicted emotions about his son.

Max was an interesting character/hero. Most of the time, how Max behaved at the start especially toward Keri is how the douchebag exes behave in most stories. Also I really felt for Keri (Max ex), poor woman.  

Emelia Masters is finally breaking of her mothers rule. Emelia is a soical worker. She’s moved miles away from home to finally be more than what her mother wants her to be. Also who her mother wants her to be with, her ex-boyfriend. Emelia moves in next door to Max. She ends up falling deeply for Max and his son, Xander.

Max and Emelia have a really cute and sweet relationship. When they first meet, Emelia comes out thinking that Max is a huge ass, extremely rude and who clearly doesn’t want a son. Their relationship develops slowly, they are both attracted to each other but because of the circumstances they don’t go out till a couple of months after meeting. I loved how they both loved Xander, it was adorable. 

Max goes through a huge character development through the course to being a generally a jerk and being completely against being a parent to loving Emelia and becoming a loving father. All of which he or the reader wouldn’t think would be possible when we first meet him. I did end up really liking him which I didn’t think would be possible if you only read the first chapter where Max is complete arse.

Quibbles: Instead of the whole ex-bf situation, I wish we would have gotten more of Emelia and Max during those months that we skipped/fast forwarded through. And Emelia keeping so much stuff from Max was a bit annoying.

Overall, it made for fun light read. It had a cute, sweet love story with a bit of sadness/drama thrown around. Thank you to Jennifer for recommending it 🙂  

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