Smythe-Smith Quartet

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy Review + Giveaway
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The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy Review + Giveaway

Please note: This review is going to be short because my laptop crashed and with it went the reviews amongst other things I had written, I’m writing this from my kindle. I’m told that I can get all my data from the hard drive or something anyhoo since I’ll get that hopefully by tomorrow and…

The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn Excerpt + Giveaway
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The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn Excerpt + Giveaway

Rafflecopter Giveaway (A Print Bundle of the Smythe-Smith Quartet, including A NIGHT LIKE THIS, JUST LIKE HEAVEN and THE SUM OF ALL KISSES) a Rafflecopter giveaway Author Info JULIA QUINN started writing her first book one month after finishing college and has been tapping away at her keyboard ever since. The New York Times bestselling…