Interview with Sarah Hegger Author of Nobody’s Angel!

Published by Zebra Books on March 31st, 20
Genres: Contemporary, Fiction, Romance
Pages: 352

In this evocative new series from author Sarah Hegger, a woman returns home after a long absence—and wonders if two wrongs really can make a right...
Nine years ago Lucy Flint ran away to Seattle, taking her friend's boyfriend and leaving her high school sweetheart without a word of explanation. Now she's back in Willow Park, Illinois, to help care for her ailing father—and it's no surprise that her ex, Dr. Richard Hunter, is still angry.
Still, she's a different Lucy now. Sober, wiser, ready to make amends to the long—make that very long—list of those she mistreated during her wild younger days. Falling for Richard all over again would mean wreaking havoc in both their lives and possibly squandering her opportunity for redemption. But here, in the place where everything went wrong, is the one person who always felt right, and a second-chance that could be the best mistake she ever made…
Interview With Sarah Hegger
Izy: What made you become a writer?
SH:A love affair with words that began the moment they taught me to read. Writing has always formed some part of my working life, whatever I was doing at the time. It seemed a natural progression into writing novels.
Izy:When you are not writing or reading, what do you for relaxation or fun?
SH: When I’m not reading? Hmmm? I read a lot, much more than I watch TV. I like to hike through the Draper trails with my two golden retrievers. I really enjoy movies and spending time with my teen girls and my husband. Food is big in our house, and I enjoy cooking and sitting down to meals together.
Izy:Please tell the audience some of your favourite books and authors?
SH:Outside of the romance genre, I would have to say Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Riders of Pern. I’ve read them countless times. I also got sucked into The Wheel of Time Saga by Robert Jordan. And a writer who can make me read every single word is Steven Erikson. You skim read Steven and you’re lost three pages later.
Within romance, I love Lisa Kleypas. Hardy Cates from Blue-Eyed Devil and Sebastian from Devil in Winter, being my two favourite book boyfriends. Although Reyes from the Charley Davidson series by Darinda Jones is running neck and neck with those two. Kristan Higgins is always a treat. If I had to pick a favourite it would be Catch of the Day for those wonderfully real and flawed characters. Susan Elizabeth Phillips can pull me to a bookstore in a heartbeat. And I really love Christie Ridgway from the first time I stumbled across “Dirty, Sexy Knitting”. How can you not read a book with a title like that? Her new Rock Royalty books are the bomb.
Izy:What is one book you loved so much you wish you had written it and why?
SH:I really don’t know. I went back through all my favourite books to answer this. But I wouldn’t want to have written them because they were great just the way they were. I disappear into a book I love. I feel that the relationship between reader and writer is very intimate for the duration of the story you are sharing. A wonderful read makes me feel like an active participant in the process.
Izy:Have any of your characters turned to be completely different from when you first imagined them to be?
SH:This tends to happen to me more with secondary characters. While I have my eye on the protagonists, they tend to twist and turn a bit. In Nobody’s Angel, Ashley did a switch on me. I initially had her forgiving and forgetting, but while I was busy with Lucy, Ashley decided that wasn’t going to work for her.
Izy: Nobody’s Angel is reunion story so what was your inspiration behind the story and the main protagonists Lucy and Dr. Richard?
SH:A lot of my characters are a combination of bits and pieces of people I know, myself and snippets I pick up all over the place—a lyric from a song, a line in a movie, an interaction I witness. There is no one source of inspiration for any of my characters. I do love the idea of getting another shot at the one that got away, and those enduring love stories that get forged in fire and end in victory.
Izy: Finally is there anything you would like to tell the audience about the book?
SH:Readers tell me Nobody’s Angel is a bit atypical for a love story. I never set out to write it that way, and it still takes me a bit by surprise when people say that. Lucy and Richard’s story was written straight from the heart and it’s so thrilling to share that journey with anyone who picks up the book.
Izy: Thanks for answering the questions Sarah!
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Author Info
Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first met. Together they’ve made homes in seven different cities across three different continents (and back again once or twice). If only it made her multilingual, but the best she can manage is idiosyncratic English, fluent Afrikaans, conversant Russian, pigeon Portuguese, even worse Zulu and enough French to get herself into trouble.
Mimicking her globe-trotting adventures, Sarah’s career path began as a gainfully employed actress, drifted into public relations, settled a moment in advertising, and eventually took root in the fertile soil of her first love, writing. She also moonlights as a wife and mother.She currently lives in Draper, Utah, with her teenage daughters, two Golden Retrievers and aforementioned husband. Part footloose buccaneer, part quixotic observer of life, Sarah’s restless heart is most content when reading or writing books.
She loves to hear from readers and you can find her at any of the places below.
Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
great interview
Thanks Jodi,
They were nice questions to answer
Great Interview!! I LOVE Christie Ridgway!
Christie is wonderful. A few years ago, she conducted a workshop for wannabe writers. Not only do I love her books, but she really went the extra mile to help us all out
Thank you for hosting me today, it was great to spend some time with you.
I’m very intrigued by the blurb… sounds like it is going to be an amazing series! Can’t wait to check it out, thanks for sharing!
love the cover!