Author: Natasha

Review and Excerpt: Crazy B*tch by Jamie Begley
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Review and Excerpt: Crazy B*tch by Jamie Begley

Gaah. Jamie Begley never ever disappoints. I had no idea how good Crazy B*itch and Calder’s story would be. These two were a surprising couple for me, I didn’t even realise there was history between them. Either I have been living under a rock whilst being immersed in this world or I’m just freaking blind……

Excerpt: Highland Dragon Warrior by Isabel Cooper

Excerpt: Highland Dragon Warrior by Isabel Cooper

Carrying a passenger was a new experience for Cathal, made doubly tense by the urgency of their errand and triply so because it was Sophia astride his back. He climbed above the clouds as smoothly as he could, and as quickly, since hesitation wouldn’t be useful. When he leveled out and felt Sophia’s weight still…

Excerpt: Can’t Hardly Breathe by Gena Showalter

Excerpt: Can’t Hardly Breathe by Gena Showalter

Jazz Connors had been a master at manipulation. He’d cajoled and charmed…and then he’d cheated. Holly had no idea. To this day, she idolized him and blamed Dorothea for the split. And that was the way Dorothea preferred it. The girl distrusted too many men already. Starting with their snake of a dad! When Joe…

Paperback Blitz: The Playboy Bachelor by Rachel Van Dyken

Paperback Blitz: The Playboy Bachelor by Rachel Van Dyken

“I’m writing a kissing scene!” she blurted, mentally kicking herself for screaming it in his face. “And the guy’s a complete jackass. Since my only experience with jackasses is you…” Her voice was shaky, just like her body. Could he tell how much she wanted him? How much she hated that her response was this—raw….

Review: Hooked by Karla Sorensen & Whitney Barbetti
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Review: Hooked by Karla Sorensen & Whitney Barbetti

4 Stars This book was different. It took a little while to really get into X and Lucy’s story however I am glad I read it. I really loved the idea and plot of this story even though the plot was a little extreme. This story is new and refreshing which made it for an…